Can Cats Take a Bath?

Russell Creek Pet Clinic
2 min readOct 18, 2022
Can Cats Take a Bath? 

Cats are relatively cleaner than other pets like dogs and have a reputation for trying to keep themselves, especially licking themselves clean. This reputation has led to many keepers neglecting the needs of the cat, especially the sanitation needs. Although cats are typically fine bathing and grooming on their own by using their rough tongues to clean and smooth their coat, they do not deal with the bacteria or pests like lice that could be hidden in the fur. This means that you need to take time to bathe your cat since they often do not do the job to perfection. In this article, we are going to show you precisely how you should go about the process of bathing your cat.

When to bathe your cat

Although occasional bathing is required, you need to bathe them in case they experience one or more of these circumstances. First, if they happen to vomit on themselves, if they have gotten into something messy or sticky or if they are invested with parasites and need to be bathed in flea or anti-fungal medications. You can also wash them if they are involved in accidents that cause injury that needs dressing a wound.

Tips to bathe your cat

Bathing your cat involves more than just washing them with water and soap but also involves doing more than just that. Here’s how to bathe a cat with a minimal amount of stress for both of you.

- Trim the Toenails

Your cat’s toenails are a tool for defense and may collect infections or other bacteria during interactions. To avoid being infected, we recommend trimming the nails to guarantee safety as you wash them in case, they develop aggression.

- Brush Fur Before

Cats shed fur frequently. Extra fur is not good when washing the cat since it will clog the washing equipment. Remove any loose fur and mats before you begin the bathing process.

- Get Traction

Give your cat a folded towel in the bottom of the tub or a rubber bath mat to stand on so they don’t panic when they can’t stand easily.

- Use a Cat Shampoo

Don’t use human shampoo on your cat since they are not safe if your cat licks it, and it may hurt your cat’s delicate skin. Instead, use a shampoo that is developed for cats. Start at your cat’s neck and gently massage the shampoo toward the tail while avoiding their face, eyes, and ears.

- Rinse Well

We recommend rinsing them off with clean, lukewarm water and taking the time to make sure all of the soap is gone.


Cats require regular bathing despite their regular grooming procedures. The above tips we have shared will enable you to navigate how to bathe your cat.

References: PetsWebMD, ASPCA

